Ultradecor Properties LLC
Construction materials
About company
Ultradecor Properties LLC (Netherlands) was registered as a resident of FEZ Grodnoinvest on December 29, 2018 with the investment project on Development of Ultradecor Properties LLC in FEZ Grodnoinvest.
The project involves the creation and development at site No. 11 sector 3 of FEZ Grodnoinvest (Soly, Smorgon district) of Class C production areas for further provision of services to the residents of FEZ Grodnoinvest for lease of ready-to-go buildings for furniture and other related enterprises, organization of warehouses by participants of a furniture cluster.
Ultradecor Properties BY is a part of the furniture cluster of FEZ Grodnoinvest in Smorgon, which also includes Ultradecor LLC, Ultradecor NT LLC, Ultralogistics BY LLC, Szynaka Mebel Bel LLC , Ultra Ply Ltd.