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The volume of production of the Grodnoinvest FEZ residents increased by 1.5 times in five months of 2018

The industrial production of the Grodnoinvest FEZ residents was increased and achived the 949 mln rubles in the period from January to May. This figure was equal to 603 million rubles in the same period last year. Thus, the growth rate was more than 150%.

The most significant contribution to the growth of production was made by food producers (by 7.8 times), machinery and equipment (by 2.6 times), chemical products (by 1.9 times), rubber and plastic products (by 1.9 times). TehnoKhimReagent-Bel, Belagroterminal, Biocom Technology, ServicePromPak, Grodnorayagroservice were the most successful during this time. Their production volume increased by several times.

The goods production was also increased in Belarus. The growth in the manufacturing industry was 9.5%, in the economy as a whole - 8.3%. The main drivers of growth were the following positions:

  • manufacture of other finished products; repair, installation of machinery and equipment (+19.8%);
  • production of machinery and equipment not included in other groups (+19.7%);
  • manufacture of vehicles and equipment (+15.3%)
  • manufacture of wood and paper products; polygraphic activity and replication of recorded media (+14.9%).