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Results 2020: production of import-substituting products of FEZ Grodnoinvest residents exceeded $ 330 million

Summing up the results of 2020. COVID-19 and subsequent quarantine measures had a significant impact on the global and regional economy. At the same time, FEZ Grodnoinvest residents, thanks to the competitiveness of their products and high-quality management, were able to withstand the recession. For example, last year FEZ residents quickly reoriented themselves and organized the production of demanded import-substituting products. At the end of 2020, its volume amounted to USD 338 million.

In 2020, the release of new products capable of partially replacing Belarusian imports was mastered by PND-Group LLC (production of plastic products), EsteytKommersi LLC (nonwoven fabric production), EUEcoPack LLC (ecological packaging production).

In total, 18 of FEZ Grodnoinvest residents in various branches of industry start the production of import-substituting products. Mainly these are representatives of small and medium businesses, which in the near future can become a driver of economic growth in the Grodno region and the Republic of Belarus.

FEZ residents such as Taifun Ltd., Bigan CJSC, Aquapack Industrial Ltd., Kvinfood JLtd., Kronospan Ltd., Bioсom Ltd. significantly increased the production of import-substituting products. They produce building mixtures, casing, wood and corrugated paper products, canned goods.

The quality of products and the export orientation of FEZ Grodnoinvest residents is annually marked at various national and international awards. Recently, FEZ Grodnoinvest residents Novogrudok Gas Equipment Plant JSC and KONUS State Unitary Enterprise became laureates of the Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus 2020 competition, Lakokraska JSC became the winner of People's Brand 2021 award for the 5th year in a row.