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The new resident of FEZ Grodnoinvest will create a modern multi-industry production of liquid fertilizers

The first resident of FEZ Grodnoinvest in 2024 was AgroFertCom Ltd. with an investment project to create a multi-industry production of liquid fertilizers. 

The main idea of the investment project involves organizing on site No. 4 (Auls district) of FEZ Grodnoinvest the production of liquid mineral fertilizers, as well as microfertilizers intended to improve plant nutrition and increase soil fertility in order to increase crop yields and improve the quality of the resulting products.

The liquid fertilizers planned for release are metal chelates (complexonates), obtained chemically through the reaction of raw materials. Metal chelates have high biological activity and provide better availability of nutrients for plants in comparison with corresponding inorganic fertilizers.

The products will be characterized by low toxicity and high manufacturability. The inclusion of biologically active compounds in fertilizers will increase the effectiveness of their action and ensure maximum plant productivity.

In order to implement the investment project, it is planned to purchase and reconstruct production facilities, as well as modern technological equipment. During the project implementation period, it is planned to create more than 10 new work places. The marketing strategy of the enterprise will be focused on the development of export supplies to countries near and far abroad.

In 2023, 6 enterprises in the field of logistics, machinery and metalworking, as well as the production of building materials became residents of FEZ Grodnoinvest . New residents will create production and logistics facilities on the territory of FEZ Grodnoinvest in the city of Grodno, Grodno and Novogrudok districts. The total volume of declared investments for the implementation of projects will be over $50 million.