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Results of 2019 in infographics: industrial production of FEZ Grodnoinvest residents increased by 11%

Continuation of the materials cycle on the results of FEZ Grodnoinvest in 2019. Earlier, we named new residents and told about export. Now we will focus on industrial production. Over the past year, FEZ Grodnoinvest residents increased the volume production by 11% to 2.85 billion rubles. Over 2 years, FEZ contribution to Grodno region indicator has grown from 19% to 27%.

Over three years, the volume of production doubled and, according to the results of 2019, amounted to 2.85 billion rubles. The main share is still occupied by manufacturers of the woodworking and furniture industries. 24 enterprises account for 33% of the total industrial output produced in FEZ Grodnoinvest. Among the leaders of the segment are representatives of Group of Companies ZOV and Kronospan. FEZ Grodnoinvest residents Mostovdrev  JSC and Albertin JSC located on FEZ industrial sites in Mosty and Slonim make a significant contribution. In 2019, the production of furniture in FEZ Grodnoinvest increased by 13% compared to the previous period, to 174 million rubles, the production of other wood and paper products - by 7% to 763 million rubles.

The food production sector, including agricultural products, ranks second in terms of production volume in FEZ Grodnoinvest. 4 residents of that sphere produced 638 million rubles worth of products, or 22% of the total volume in FEZ. Over one year, enterprises increased their output by 19%. The largest representative of this sector is Belagroterminal LLC, which is part of Sodruzhestvo Group of Companies, a leading producer of soy and rapeseed oil in Europe.

The third leading industry in terms of production volume in FEZ Grodnoinvest is engineering (16%). Fifteen companies in this sector produced products worth 473 million rubles, which is 12% higher than in 2018. Among the largest representatives of this sector,Radiovolna JSC , Belkard JSC, located in Grodno, as well as Avtoprovod Shchuchin plant JSC, Smorgon Assembly Plant JSC and Novogrudok Gas Equipment Plant JSC, which recently won the competition "Energy Efficiency Leader of the Republic of Belarus 2019".

In the light industry sector, 5 companies in 2019 produced products worth 353 million rubles, or 12% of the total volume in FEZ Grodnoinvest. Over the year, production increased by 6%. The sector leader is the largest producer of hosiery products Conte Spa JLtd., which is recognized as one of the best exporters in Belarus.

Next are the manufacturers of chemical products and fertilizers. 7 companies form 10% of production in FEZ Grodnoinvest. Over the year, residents produced 291 million rubles worth of products, which is 10% more than in 2018. The sector leader is Lakokraska JSC, one of the leading manufacturers of paints and varnishes in the CIS countries. The company forms over 60% of the chemical sector’s production in FEZ Grodnoinvest.