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The head of FEZ Grodnoinvest administration took part in the II Forum of the regions of Belarus and Ukraine

The II Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Ukraine was held on October 3-4, in Zhitomir (Ukraine) attended by the leadership of Grodno region and FEZ Grodnoinvest. The Belarusian-Ukrainian expert forum on the organization of bilateral relations in the political and economic spheres, as well as in the field of security, was held within the Forum of Regions.

In a welcoming speech, the Governor of the Zhytomyr Region Vitaly Bunechko emphasized that Belarus is one of the three leaders among the partner countries for investment and trade and economic cooperation. It is worth noting that 97% of Belarusian investments are involved in the development of the industrial sector, the remaining 3% falls to the trade. 

Residents of FEZ Grodnoinvest also increase the turnover of cooperation with Ukrainian partners. The turnover with Ukraine for 7 months of 2019 amounted to 137.7 million US dollars, an increase of 17% compared to the same period in 2018. Export of residents of SEZ for this period amounted to 66.7 million US dollars (growth rate - 138.2%), imports - 71 million US dollars (growth rate - 102.1%).

Over the period of the functioning of FEZ Grodnoinvest from Ukraine more than 2.5 million US dollars of investments was attracted. TechnoChimReagentBel Ltd. is a resident of FEZ Grodnoinvest with an Ukranian capital. 

Such residents of FEZ as Belagrofert Ltd., Conte Spa JLtd., Kronospan Ltd., Lakokraska JSC also actively cooperate with Ukrainian business.

A number of meetings of an international format where the issues of bilateral cooperation were discussed were also held. During the meeting with Sergey Sukhomlin, the mayor of Zhitomir, attended by the questions on establishing the Belarusian-Ukrainian partnerships in various sectors of the economy, in particular on investiments in the construction of social facilities and education were discussed.

In addition, the Ukrainian side expressed interest in adopting the experience of effective long-term cooperation of the Grodno region with the provinces of China. The question of establishing twinning relations between Grodno and Zhytomyr in various industries was also raised at the meeting. To continue the meaningful dialogue, the delegation of our region invited the Ukrainian side to take part in the future Republican festival of national cultures, which will be held in Grodno next year.


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