Export of FEZ Grodnoinvest residents to the USA tripled in 9 months of 2020
In January - September 2020, the export of FEZ Grodnoinvest residents to the United States approached the level of $ 1 million. This is 3 times higher compared to the same period last year. In just nine months this year, residents exported products worth $ 687 million.
In addition to the USA, deliveries of products of FEZ Grodnoinvest residents to Canada (4.7 times), the Netherlands (2.4 times), the United Arab Emirates (2.3 times), Estonia (1.9 times) , Turkey (1.5 times), as well as Switzerland, Korea and Afghanistan.
Exports to Lithuania increased by 55%, to Germany by 27%, and to Poland by 7%. In total, exports to the countries of the European Union increased by 10%, the share of supplies to the EU increased to 20% of the total. The key export destinations of FEZ Grodnoinvest residents are still Russia ($ 441 million or 64% of the total), Poland ($ 89 million or 13%) and Ukraine ($ 75 million or 11%).
The largest share in exports is food and agricultural products (33%); furniture, wood and paper products (32%). This is followed by metal products, machinery and equipment (15%), chemical products, rubber and plastic products (11%); textiles and clothing (9%).
This year, FEZ resident enterprises doubled the amount of attracted foreign direct investment. You can read more about this here.