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6 new residents registered in FEZ Grodnoinvest in 2023

In 2023, 6 companies in the field of logistics, machinery and metalworking, as well as the production of building materials were registered as residents of FEZ Grodnoinvest. The total volume of declared investments for the implementation of projects amounted to over $50 million. 

New residents will create production and logistics facilities on the territory of FEZ Grodnoinvest in the city of Grodno, Grodno and Novogrudok districts. The implementation of the announced investment projects will create about 240 new work places with decent wages.

On site No. 5 Sector 1 of FEZ Grodnoinvest near the Grodno airport, WestTransGranitsa LLC is implementing its project. The project provides for the construction of an international logistics hub with wholesale and retail trade facilities for a wide range of goods. The unique complex will become multimodal and utilize the potential of road and air transport.

In Novogrudok, a new resident of FEZ Grodnoinvest Novogrudok Construction and Erection Department JSC organizes the production of building materials, including reinforced concrete products, PVC products, metal structures and carpentry. As part of the project, it is planned to modernize the existing enterprise with the reconstruction of workshops, maximum utilization of existing production facilities and the acquisition of modern equipment.

With a project for the technical re-equipment of production, BelTAPAZ Grodno Lathe Chuck Plant JSC was registered as a resident of FEZ Grodnoinvest. The investment project involves expanding the existing and mastering the production of a new product line through the acquisition of new technological equipment.

In order to replace goods imported to the market of the Republic of Belarus, LuckyPet Ltd. is implementing its project for the production of dry and wet food, as well as various accessories and natural litters for pets.

ErNex Adaptive Technologies CJSC was registered with a project to create an innovative production of sodium and LED lamps for the needs of agriculture and medicine. As part of the investment project, it is planned to build a modern production and warehouse complex and a research center.

At site No. 2, Sector 1 (Novaya Gozha district) of FEZ Grodnoinvest in the Grodno district, KOM-UNION Ltd. will implement a project to expand the production of tools for the agricultural and construction industries. The goods planned for release will be of an import-substituting nature and will allow for a systematic reduction in the import of similar products into the Republic of Belarus.