Belarusian-Turkish regional business forum in Grodno
The organizers of the forum in Grodno on October 15 will be the Embassy of Belarus in Turkey and the administration of FEZ Grodnoinvest. Participation is free upon prior registration. For more information, please call tel:+375152412317 or e-mail:
On this day, business circles of Turkish city of Eskeshihir, a large industrial center of the country, will visit Grodno. The key manufacturers of locomotives and wagons Türkiye Lokomotif ve Motor (TÜLOMSAŞ) and Türkiye Vagon, as well as an aircraft assembly plant and one of the largest cement manufacturers Çimsa Çimento are located there. In addition, the region is represented by food, textile and wood processing companies.
The Turkish delegation will include the leadership of the city and the chamber of commerce, manufacturers of industrial equipment, metal and plastic products, automotive components, machinery and locomotives, furniture and other wood products, food products and waste products. The list of participants from the Turkish side can be downloaded below.